Railway advanture

Everyone loves a train.. and so this is one of the most interesting toys in our First Friend series. We wanted to show how smooth and beautiful it rides - and just how many stories can be built around the railway track.

In this movie we used the largest amount of decorations so far - 3 printed backgrounds (usually it's one is enough) - plus a number of railway podiums made of a polystyrene base covered with small stones carefully applied with glue. That makes the railway look real and provides different combinations of track movement - the car passing railway and traffic lights - as well as the crossroads and rail transfer.

The platform and clock for the railway station were also handmade.

Besides the main plot there is also a construction series included in this story - three funny boys with heavy instruments that were very interesting to animate :)

Unfortunately, we were not available to work with Daniel Olsen our music composer on this movie as he was very busy but we were lucky to meet Dmitry Nechepurenko who created a simple and nice melody that fits in with out storyline.

Check out more photos from backstage.

Polystyrene, stones and glue:

Making podium for car to pass railway: 

Railway podiums in action: 

Using slider to place camera above the scene: 

Making of stones (polystyrene and acrylic paint): 

Quick note for last scenes: 

Screenshots from final movie. Watch in fullscreen.